
E-Collar classes & private lessons

A dog Ecollar is a great add on for any of our board and train dog programs or  private dog training programs. We also have group Ecollar classes a few times a year


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Think you might want to get your dog trained on an e-collar. We can do that for you and show you at the end of the training program the correct way to use and train your dog using the e-collar.

We do offer group dog classes with e-collar, but you must have taken your dog to one of our dog training programs before enrolling in the dog group e-collar class.

Remote dog training e-collars also known as E-collars have been proven to be a safe, humane and effective way to train dogs, but you do need to understand how they work and which to choose.

There are many on the market and we only use quality ecollars while training dogs so we go with either Dogtra or E-Collar Technologies.

When you buy a quality e-collar you get a quality product with levels from 0 to 100.  A product that delivers a tone, vibration or other humane stimulation.

E-collars requires a fast, reliable wireless connection between the transmitter and the collar. Many less expensive dog training collars have slow or unreliable connections. When you pick a quality E-collar you get the fast and reliable connection and that is what makes the ecollar a great dog training tool.



Group Classes

 This is a week course on how to use the e-collar properly and efficiently

You will learn how to get your dog listening to you off leash, correct problem behaviors in the home and so much more!

Each Class is 1 – 1.5 hours long (1 class per week)

To be eligible for this class you must have taken the VID or Level 1 & 2  course or completed private training with us.

We only use/allow E-Collar Technologies E-collars or dogtra collars in our classes and training.

Contact Us

Have questions about ecollar training your dog, or questions about any of our other dog training options. Send us a message with the contact Urban K9 form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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9619 Hwy 6

Coldstream, BC

Contact us

(250) 306-1840



Open Hours

M-F: By Appoointment Only