
Dog Boarding

Urban K9 facility offers luxurious dog boarding accommodations for your dog(s) with indoor suites for sleeping and relaxing. We have both indoor and outdoor play environments.

While your dog is staying with us they will have full access to the dog daycare school and activities they will only be in their room for nap time, at night and for feeding time. Other then that they will be training, packwalks, socializing and playing the whole day away with all their K9 friends.

We are NOT currently accepting Dogs for boarding that:

-Do have separation  issues

-Dogs that do not get along well with other dogs

– Dogs that are not fixed

dog  boarding

Because  Urban K9 offers  individual attention for each dog that is here space is limited, so call in advance to set up boarding times and for prices.

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All booking for boarding can be done through email or text or on our booking calander. We do require a deposit in order to reserve your spot.

If your dog is a past training client let us set up a Graduate Dog booking for you at the graduate rate.

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Accepted Dogs

We accept dogs that have gone through and passed our board and train program, or a series of private training with approval to board.

If your dog has not training with us we do require a a test period of 2 days boarding before you go away on holidays. You can call for more details.

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not accepted

We will not accept dogs with separation issues, dogs in heat, males intact over 10 months of age, and dogs that do not get along with others.

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Pets with certain disabilities, medical conditions, require certain medications, have undergone a recent surgery or injury may not be able to board with us at this time.

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Overnight Stays on Holidays

Holiday/black-out dates, please be advised that your reservation is subject to a 10% nightly premium.

Holiday/Black-out Dates for 2024-2025 include:


Good Friday/Easter

May Long Weeekend

Canada Day Weekend

Aug Long Weekend

Sept Long Weekend

Thanksgiving Weekend

Nov 8-11

Dec 21st-Jan 2nd


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Pick up or Drop off after/before hours

Our regular Drop off times are 8am-10am, Pick up time is 4pm to 6pm. If outside of these times it must be scheduled ahead of time and a $25 fee will apply.


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Shuttle Pick up or Drop off

We will pick up and drop off your dog for boarding. There is a pick up/ drop off charge for $25 each way in Vernon and Coldstream Outside that area will be arranged for a surcharge. We will need 2 hours window for pick up and drop off.  

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special needs

Special needs dogs that cannot be socialized within our general pack due to temperament or health will remain solo and are subject to an additional fee each night


Contact Us

Need More inforamtion about boarding for your dogs. Use the form to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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Visit Us

9619 Hwy 6

Coldstream, BC

Contact us

(250) 306-1840



Open Hours

M-F:  – By Appointment Only